Sunday, April 4, 2010


alhamdulillahhh...syukurr atass segalaa kurnian-Nya...yayyyyy3!!!
(happy mode~sebab dahh sukuu abadd hoho0o) =P

~luv : bootet_nuruL


  1. kakak tua..
    burung kakak tua...
    kakak sudah tua

  2. what a beautiful day today

    you did it!
    yes you did!
    yes you had transformed,
    what a beautiful day today is,
    what a beautiful butterfly you can be,
    today is the day,
    and yes! today is the day.

    happy birthday to you.


  3. @wawa....

    hahaaa nt balikk penang xmoo jmp wawaaa =P
    o0oo cakapp aii tuaa ehh??truss kna bli hadiahh besaq kt k.hudaa hahahaa =P

    missyuu adikkuuu!!!sangatt!!

  4. @namoyakii..

    tq so0oo muchhh dear!!!!

    yupp!!!i'm transforming myself!!!

    change always brings good things..
    as long as the change is for the better..

    Change will make me become a better person..


  5. miss u uda.. dah tua dah mu nie.. pe lagi kawen la cepan..ajak en tu kawenn.. km masuk minang bgi pihak dia..ok x??

  6. hiphip sorriiiiyyyy...
    happy belated birthday mami huda...
    smoga panjang umur dan dimudahkan urusan....
    tak sabar nak jumpa uuu okeh....maggie ari tu dah abissss.....makasih....halalkan makan minum okeh =D

  7. sahabatku,



    dengarkanlah dengan perlahan-lahan,

    dengarkanlah akan lafaz sebutan La illaha ilALLAH,

    dengarkanlah dengan perlahan-lahan,

    dengarkanlah dengan suara OMBAK yang mengiringinya,


    dengarkanlah suara alam yang bertasbih dengan kalimah tauhid La illaha ilALLAH,



  8. today, upon a bus,
    i saw a girl with golden hair,
    i envied her, she seemed so gay,
    and i wished i was as fair,
    when suddenly she rose to leave,
    i saw her hobble down the aisle,
    she had one leg and used a crutch,
    but as she passed, she gave a smile,

    oh God, forgive me when i whine,
    i have 2 legs, the world is mine,

    i stopped to buy some candy,
    the lad who sold it had such charm,
    i talked with him, he seemed so glad,
    if i were late, it'd do no harm,
    and as I left, he said to me,
    "i thank you, you've been so kind,
    it's nice to talk with folks like you,
    you see," he said, "i'm blind"

    oh God, forgive me when i whine,
    i have 2 eyes, the world is mine,

    later while walking down the street,
    i saw a child with eyes of blue,
    he stood and watched the others play,
    he seemed not to know what to do,
    i stopped a moment and then i said,
    "why don't you join the others dear?"
    he looked ahead without a word,
    and then i knew he couldn't hear,

    oh God, forgive me when i whine,
    i have 2 ears, the world is mine,

    with feet to take me where i'd go,

    with eyes to see the sunset glow,
    with ears to hear what i'd know,
    oh, God, forgive me when i whine
    i've been blessed indeed, the world is mine.

    -written by,
