Monday, June 29, 2009


Seorang gadis berdoa kpd Allah agar diberikan
bunga dan rama-rama..
Namun Allah memberikannya
kaktus dan ulat...

Gadis ini sedih dan tidak faham mengapa
pemberianNya berbeza dengan permintaanya...
Kemudian dia berfikir..
Allah mempunyai terlalu ramai umat untuk diuruskan...
dan dia memutuskan untuk tidak mempersoalkannya...
Selepas satu tempoh,
gadis ini memikirkan semula permohonan doanya yang
telah lama dilupakannya...

Gadis ini amat terperanjat apabila melihat dari pokok kaktus
yang hodoh dan berduri itu
tumbuh pula bunga yang cantik...
Dan daripada ulat yang terselindung,
telah bertukar menjadi
rama-rama yang cantik..

ALLAH always does things right!!!
His way is ALWAYS the best way..
Even if to us it seems all wrong..

Jika memohon sesuatu dan menerima yang lain...
ALLAH tidak akan mengecewakan hambanya...
Teruskan berdoa tanpa rasa ragu dan mengeluh...
Duri hari ini...
Adalah bunga pada hari esok!!

Hoye3....gadis itu adalah aku...aku bersyukur padamu ya Allah...

masih banyak benda lagi yang aku kena lalui n kena belajaq...

(tq kpd zeti yang bagi tazkirah ni kat aku petang tadi hee kena tul ng aku uwaaa mkasey yaa...
ciap antaq aku blk umah lagi ari ni hee 1st time nek vios..aku terpana aauuuww3...)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

~akhirnya...aku ada blog~

ngeh3...aku da ada blog wey...yehaaa3 (smbil lompat3 kegirangan)

hahaha cewinya aku....

yelaa...tgk owg len da maju...aku ja y hegeh3 mrangkak cm totis hee

bgs jgk blog ni..hmmm tmpt luahkan perasaan kah3..

(yelaa time jiwa kacau..bleyla mrepek n mrapu kt cni~walaupn tadak

owg baca..LoL)


bermulalah pengembaraan aku y mrepek lps nih....

mntak3 adala y sudi mbcanya heee


....bunga itu...


saja nk m'indahkan blog aku hehehee pokok y mak aku tanam dpn umah...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

~Don't look back~

~Don’t look back~

As you travel through life there are always those times,
when decisions just have to be made, when the choices are hard,
and solutions seem scarce and the rain seems to soak your parade...

There are some situations where all you can do
Is to simply let go and move on,
gather courage together and choose a direction,
that carries you toward a new beginning..

So...pack up your troubles and take a step forward,
the process of change can be tough,
but think about all the excitement ahead,
there could be adventures you never imagined,
just waiting around the next bend,
and wishes and dreams just about to come true..

Perhaps you'll find friendships, love and happiness,
that spring from new interests,
and learn there are so many options in life,
and so many ways you can grow..

Perhaps you'll go to the place you never expected,
and see things that you've never seen,
travel to fabulous faraway worlds,
and wonderful spots in between..

Perhaps you'll find warmth and affection and caring,
somebody special; who's there,
to help you stay centered and listen with interest,
to stories and feelings you share..

Perhaps you'll find comfort in knowing your friends
are supportive of all that you do,
and believe that whatever decisions you make,
they'll be the right choices for you..

So...keep putting one foot in front of the other,
and taking your life day by day..

Perhaps huuu mudah2an InsyaAllah…
everything from good and bad that happens to us is determined by Allah…
Ya Allah...bantulah hambamu ini..